From a one-way pallet to a rustic gift chest
A new SoPro product has been developed in the Styrian volcanic region by the AWV Radkersburg Waste Association and Intarsia carpenter's (an institution of Radkersburg Assisted Living): Rustic gift chests, produced from used one-way pallets, as a packing for the internationally awarded Whisky brands from the Lava Braeu Whisky brewery, also from the Styrian volcanic region.
This high-quality packing has been produced by the social enterprise "Intarsia Carpenter's" at Mureck. Marcel Gaube and Bernhard Hoedl, employees of the AWV Radkersburg Waste Association, have already handed over the first 20 chests to the regional brewery. Such two successful products from the volcanic region celebrate their entry to the market – outside and inside 100% from Styria!